Solaris Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 8619

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 117

Theatrical Release Date: 11/27/2002

Language: English

Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Actors: George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies, Viola Davis, Ulrich Tukur, Michael Ensign

Plot: A psychologist is sent to a space station that is having issues with seeing things after being away from home so long. The psychologist has problems of his own that are discovered on the ship.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

WebsiteSetup - wrote on 11/22/2010

Although I can understand why Solaris didn't do well at the box office, those who appreciate sci-fi will find a lot to enjoy here. Moody, yet very emotionless for most of the movie... almost hypnotic. Also a bit creepy, but never gross or any attempts at "gotcha" scare moments. And wrapped around this incredible environment and gorgeous special effects is a powerful love story. You might not agree with the theology of the movie, but it will make you think, and contemplate love, life and the afterlife.

Rating of

Nick - wrote on 02/10/2008

Definitely a psychological thriller more than sci-fi. The movie can be a little slow at times, but it does a good job making you wonder what is real and not real. This movie is worth watching, but not remembering.

Rating of

FZero - wrote on 02/03/2008

One of the best sci-fi movies ever made, better than the original which I felt dragged on more than it should have. George Clooney's best and underrated performance as Chris Kelvin who comes to the space station above Solaris and starts to see his dead wife. Beautifully shot with great looks at the planet, as with all special effects scenes the best ones are that which aren't noticeable. Most of the best sci-fi movies begin with a great idea and leave much of the interpretation to the viewer. It's a shame sci-fi like this is a dying breed as the viewer support just isn't there.

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"Solaris" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 05/05/2012

Psychiatrist George Clooney is sent to investigate the strange happenings on a space station orbiting the mysterious planet Solaris where the crew have been encountering "visitors" from their past. I have not seen Tarkovsky's original so I can be completely objective about this beautiful looking and thoughtful sci-fi. Those expecting thrills and spills will be disappointed; the film is deliberately slow paced and philosophical The handsome pairing of Clooney and McElhone put in solid performances in a film that's more concerned with love and loss than aliens and ray guns. Soderbergh's visuals are top notch with some lovely effects complimented by a wonderfully atmospheric soundtrack, creating a very ethereal and other-worldy quality. I must admit, I'm not entirely sure what it is the …

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