Capricorn One Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7389

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 38

Theatrical Release Date: 06/02/1976

Language: English

Genre: Thriller, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Peter Hyams

Actors: Elliott Gould, James Brolin, Sam Waterston, Karen Black, Telly Savalas, O.J. Simpson

Plot: 3 astronauts must survive the elements while attempting to reach their families. They are being pursued by a rogue wing of NASA.
-- Jones

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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Mars, assassins, and crop dusters. Oh my!

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/25/2021

A hugely entertaining speculative thriller about a reporter who stumbles into a conspiracy involving a fake NASA mission to Mars. And the perpetrators (led by Hal Holbrook) are willing to kill for it.
Elliot Gould is funny as the wannabe sleuth who finds the scoop of the century. James Brolin is very good as the lead astronaut uncomfortable going along with the charade. Hal Holbrook is his darker half as a NASA scientist in charge of the conspiracy.
There’s amusing side performances by familiar seventies actors like Karen Black, Telly Savalas, and David Huddleston. Brolin’s costars includes Sam Waterston and of all people…O. J. Simpson!
The setup for the conspiracy is plausible enough for the 1970s. There’s a really exciting chase scene between army helicopters and a crop …

Movie God

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"Capricorn One" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 04/09/2012

James Brolin heads a team of astronauts who're pulled from their capsule seconds before the launch and told they must help fake a Mars landing in order to save the space program. Meanwhile Elliot Gould is a reporter whose friend that works in the Houston command centre tells him of a discrepancy in the telemetry. This friend promptly vanishes and he finds someone else living in his apartment, so he sets about discovering the truth. This hugely entertaining conspiracy theory thriller from Peter Hyams delivers an interesting premise told with boy's own panache. Elliot Gould does what he does best as the smart mouthed reporter and gets all the best lines in some witty quickfire banter with his editor and love interest, and the action is provided in the astronaut's escape from the NASA …

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