House ( Hausu ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4611

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 26

Theatrical Release Date: 09/01/1977

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/26/2010

Language: Japanese

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Nobuhiko Obayashi

Actors: Kimiko Ikegami, Kumiko Ohba, Yôko Minamida, Ai Matsubara, Kiyohiko Ozaki, Haruko Wanibuchi

Plot: House (Hausu) is about a schoolgirl traveling with her six classmates to her sick aunt's country home, where they come face to face with supernatural events as the girls are, one by one, devoured by the home.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/01/2024

Don't know what I was expecting, but this wasn't it. Can't figure out a proper rating for this one.

Rating of

symp4thedevil - wrote on 09/13/2012

The first time I saw this film was when I was in high school with a few friends at a local art house theater. I talked my friends into seeing this...and we immediately dumped "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and began our obsession with "House." "House" I think can be best described like this: Imagine a giant watermelon. Being sold by an obese man. On the side of the road. In the "Wizard of Oz." A bunch of stereotypical school girls walk by. Nothing happens. Visit a crazy aunt in a haunted house. Get murdered in a musical, fantastically horrific, hallucinogenic atmosphere...that would make Agatha Christie grin. There. That's it. It would best "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in a fight and would join the Mad Hatter for tea.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 07/23/2012

Usually a movie has to make even a small amount of sense in order to tell a story, but House manages to make absolutely no sense and still be strangely fascinating. The camerawork, effects, editing, vibrant colors, music and random (often comical) bizarre actions are all quite unique. If you don't question every crazy situation, or character reasoning, then you might find this enjoyable on some level.

Full Movie Reviews

Matthew Brady
Matthew Brady
Movie God

Rating of

House - Movie Review

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/31/2016


No, seriously, WTF.

How do I even talk about this one? I've heard people say it was bizarre, but I didn't expect this. I was left kinda speechless from this. I mean, calling this movie weird or strange seems like weak criticism. Like yeah, it's strange, no sh*t.

But I can say this about "House", it's quite out there and manages to surpass your exceptions. But I wish I watched this sooner, because I kinda love this movie. It's both mad and quite beautiful at times. I would say it's more than one movie, it's actually all different tones.

Now picture this: What if Halloween, drama, comedy, Kung fu and supernatural activity were all squash together in one movie, but all the genes try to out-act one another for an hour and half. That's this movie.

And I thought this will …


Rating of


Alaine - wrote on 06/28/2012

If you read the reviews you'll get an idea of this movie, but it's really hard to get it unless you watch it at least twice. There's a lot going on in this and I have to admit I missed some of the things because I underestimated it. The script was passed on favorably by Toho in three hours flat, but the writer was told nobody would direct it for fear of ruining their career. He decided to direct it himself. There was a radio show about the story that developed prior to the film's release and a lot of interest in Japan before the film was even finished. It was a huge success, much to the dismay of Toho. They wanted it to be just a beloved cult classic, but its success forced the studios to change their ways and products (often in ways they didn't want). If you watch this, see how …

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