DOA: Dead or Alive Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28267

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 30

Theatrical Release Date: 06/22/2007

Language: English

Genre: Action, Adventure

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Corey Yuen

Actors: Jaime Pressly, Holly Valance, Sarah Carter, Devon Aoki, Natassia Malthe

Plot: The movie adaptation of Dead or Alive, does it really need a plot?

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/18/2014

The movie poor adaptation of Dead or Alive, does it really need a plot because serious who cared about this mess of a film. This has to the worst Video game adaptation that I'v ever seen in my life. The movie is boring forgettable mess and the action and the fighting in the film was really dull to watch.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 10/03/2011

I have seen worse video game movies, but this one still scrapes the bottom.

Rating of

Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/24/2007

It's entertaining enough. It's no "Mortal Kombat" when it comes to its tone (in fact, it's surprisingly fluffy), but definitely not as bad as critics made it out to be. I think the reason why I kind of enjoyed this film is that my expectations were really low. I mainly wanted to see characters fight for the hell of it (profound reasons or otherwise) and I got just that. This movie could've been better if there were gore, a more menacing villain, and a darker tone. It's too tongue-and-cheek for its own good and I must admit that I did roll my eyes more than five times throughout the whole film because some characters are too cartoony. Still, it's an enjoyable piece of junk. If you're remotely interested in watching it, I won't stop you.

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Switch off your brain, revel in the lack of depth!

MovieAddict - wrote on 02/08/2012

The film centers on a trio of hot heroines who battle various steroid-enhanced heavies and run around in tiny bikinis. We have Christie (Holly Valance), a jewel thief fleeing the police in Hong Kong. Tina Armstrong (Jaime Pressly) is a wrestler who wants to prove that she's a real fighter. Kasumi (Devon Aoki)is a ninja princess who has left her sanctuary to avenge her brother's death. The three individually wind up being invited to join DOA, a competition where the finest fighters compete for the title of world's greatest (and of course a big bundle of cash). We also have Sarah Carter (the adopted daughter of evil Eric Roberts) and Natassia Malthe (the bodyguard sworn to kill Kasumi for leaving). Despite their different motives, they all wind up uncovering a greater secret, concerning …


Rating of


CJP - wrote on 02/01/2009

Action: 2/3 + Comedy: 1/2 + Love/Sex: 1/1 + Plot: 0/1 + Music: 0.5/1 + Good vs. Evil: 0.5/1 + Special Effects: 0/1 = 5/10 or 50%.

This is not "popcorn fluff", it is a step lower and it pretends to be no more. We get passing shots, which are close-ups of bikibi butts, and many, many flip and spin kicks that prove over and over how great of a shape the heroines are in and how awesome underwear looks on models.

The stand out is Holly Valance. She takes out three baddies after she throws her bra and gun up in the air, knocks two out with a towel snap, and then reaches up to put her arms through the falling bra and catches her hand gun. She points the gun at the package of the baddie behind her and orders him to snap her bra on in the back. She doesn't have many more lines, which may …

Movie God

Rating of

Awfulness, pain, and discomfort all at once

TheWolf - wrote on 07/25/2007

Oh dear god please may I be stricken with blindness before seeing this one again. First I have to say the cast was good, this could have gone a unique way and created a cool plot with multiple story lines and just made it interesting... alas the Director and Producers must have said, it has to be exactly like the video game but will less plot, oh and throw in DOA Beach Vollyball for good measure.
I first saw this movie a year before it was released in to the USA... so it has been out for over a year, and then a few months back they decided to release it in the US. Ok so far off to a bad start. Well their next blond ambition must have been to think that it would go up nicely against Pirates of the Carribbean: At Worlds End. Yeah that was a brilliant move as well. To keep a long story …

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