Stand Up Guys Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 10949

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 39

Theatrical Release Date: 02/01/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 05/21/2013

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Crime

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Fisher Stevens

Actors: Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin, Julianna Margulies, Mark Margolis, Lucy Punch

Plot: A pair of aging con men look to get the old gang back together to celebrate one of their group's final assignments - to take out one of his friends. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Mark - wrote on 06/29/2013

I liked this movie, and maybe as close to a comedy as Al Pacino will get, but a good aging mob guys film either way, Pacino has just gotten out of prison after a 25 year stint and hooks up with his old crew, one who has been hired to kill him, for a one last hoorah. The action is slow, but the dialogue between Pacino, Walken and Arkin more than make up for it. Could be Pacino's last mob movie, but if it is, it goes out with a bang.

Rating of

sapien - wrote on 06/13/2013

I thought it was excellent. There was jokes, dialogue, action, and suspense. Al Pacino and Christopher Walken should be in more movies together.

Full Movie Reviews

Amoeba Johnny
Amoeba Johnny

Rating of

A Simple Buddy Movie

Amoeba Johnny - wrote on 03/04/2014

I won't lay down the plot, because that's been done better in previous reviews. The movie, to me, feels like every time I go back to my hometown: I get together with old friends, we have a couple of laughs, some drinks, get as wild as we can at our age, and the time is over. And in that way, the movie works.

As for the actors, I think they play well off of each other. Walken's straight-man works well as an opposite against Pacino's party guy. And Arkin... man he always spices up a movie/show, doesn't he? And trust me when I say he doesn't disappoint here.

I just think Pacino tries too hard to be the party guy. While the rest of the guys understand and accept their maturity, Pacino's character doesn't/can't. That being said, I think there's one in every group of friends like that. …

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

The Mobster Bucket List

Chris Kavan - wrote on 05/18/2013

With the amount of pedigree involved, Stand Up Guys certainly has the potential to be a knock out - but somewhere along the way this actor's piece gets a bit bogged down in combining comedy more suited to some teen-centric demographic along with over-dramatic moments that just never gels with the actors involved.

Let's start with what works: any time Alan Arkin is on screen, I loved the movie. His character is a nice mix of exuberant excitement and world-weary acceptance of his mortality. Whether playing chicken with the cops or living his final wish of having, as the French call it, a Menage a Trois, he is pure gold. It's too bad his part isn't larger (and that he exits entirely too quickly) because I enjoyed pretty much every scene he is in.

That's not to say that Al Pacino and …


Rating of

chew gum or kick ass

smeagol - wrote on 05/16/2013

well what are we gonna do ? chew gum or kick ass ? well wer'e all out of gum lol.
very likeable movie with some suttle comedy elements from two great actors .al pacino plays the aging conman who has just got out of prison after a 25 yr stretch. walken plays his partner in crime best friend who has the job of having to kill him before 10am , but not before they have one last night out together.,
pacino wants to live it up like the old days , walken is more happy these days to paint and relax but together they set about having a eventful night , there is a funny viagra scene and some nice moments of friendship and a little asskicking along the way.
The soundtrack is great. the acting is good. very reserved from walken but it works.
overall a enjoyable movie well worth seeing. and …

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