Postal Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 39617

Average Rating: 1.5/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 05/23/2008

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/06/2009

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Action

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Uwe Boll

Actors: Chris Coppola, Erick Avari, Dave Foley, Jackie Tohn, Seymour Cassel, Michael Benyaer

Plot: A film loosely based on a video game of the same name that centers on jobless trailer-park resident Dude and his ethically challenged Uncle Dave, who are desperate for cash. The men cook up a scheme to pinch a shipment of Krotchy dolls and sell them on eBay. Unfortunately, Al-Qaeda has the same idea ... but plans to lace the toys with avian flu.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Goombs - wrote on 02/19/2014

Uwe Boll, I've heard tell, is this generations Ed Wood. No. There is no Uwe Boll movie "so bad its good" just bad. People may think " well he must be doing something right to keep making them." No. He rapes his governments loop holes for film makers which state that he will be recouped for any losses. Boring stories, lousy acting, and inexcusable wasting of viewers time and money. At least Glen or Glenda had sex appeal.

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/06/2014

A film loosely based on a video game of the same name that centers on jobless trailer-park resident Dude and his ethically challenged Uncle Dave, who are desperate for cash. The men cook up a scheme to pinch a shipment of Krotchy dolls and sell them on eBay. Unfortunately, Al-Qaeda has the same idea ... but plans to lace the toys with avian flu. This movie is horrible and racist at parts, it makes funny of 9/11 and that is just awful watch the movie if you don't believe me. Uwe Boll you peace of shit.

Rating of

lpd381 - wrote on 12/31/2010

This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. Somebody needs to shoot Uwe Boll and stop him from making these horrible movies. I wish I could have my money back and better yet the time that has been taken from my life. This movie goes on the list of my life's worst regrets.

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Like a retarded puppy...

danand82 - wrote on 09/07/2008

Postal is the latest movie from the much maligned German director Uwe Boll. It is, like every film he’s made since 2003's House of the Dead, based on a video game and, also like that film, has very little in common with its' source material. Postal follows a rather unique day in the life of a recently sacked factory worker (Zack Ward) who starts out at a job interview and ends up trying to save the human race. Along the way he is aided and thwarted (mostly the latter) by an eclectic mix, including: a bunch of bloodthirsty townsfolk, a cult comprised almost entirely of scantily clad models, terrorists, homicidal policemen, a dwarf who voices a popular (genital shaped) kids toy, Osama Bin Laden and … Uwe Boll! There is no real plot – the action proceeds from location to location …

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