Cutthroat Island Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16389

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 42

Theatrical Release Date: 12/22/1995

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Action

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Renny Harlin

Actors: Geena Davis, Matthew Modine, Frank Langella, Maury Chaykin, Patrick Malahide, Stan Shaw

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Yojimbo - wrote on 07/12/2012

Geena Davis did the Pirates of the Caribbean thing a decade before Mr. Depp. And did it a hell of a lot worse. Basically Renny Harlin failed to take into account the fact that it's supposed to be a period pirate film and directed it in exactly the same way as he did Die Hard 2, explosions and all. Although everyone is dressed as 17th century pirates it has zero sense of period and therefore it's frankly laughable.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 12/06/2011

I agree with the other reviews here. It is disastrous

Rating of

lpd381 - wrote on 07/09/2011

This movie is just horrible. The acting is awful and the writing is a joke. The action scenes are very generic and honestly very boring. Maybe if this was a made for TV movie I wouldn't feel so ripped off by it but it wasn't it was a big budget movie and it just doesn't work. I mean really Geena Davis as a pirate captain? It just doesn't seem or feel right. If you want a god pirate movie go watch pirates of the Caribbean skip this one.

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Cutthroat Island was so close to being POTC....

Indyfreak - wrote on 01/24/2015

One of Hollywood's absolutely biggest box office bombs is actually not that bad of a film. Director Renny Harlin was tasked with making a $100 million pirate movie WITHOUT cgi skeletons, fish-mutants, cannibals, or Keith Richards cameos and that is exactly what you get. Geena Davis is solid as the protagonist Morgan Adams, a 17th century pirate queen who in a race against her dastardly uncle Dog (yea that's his name) played by Frank Langella. She is aided by her faithful crew and a handsome thief named William Shaw (Matthew Modine). Swordfights, sea battles, treachery, chases, and a small dash of romance ensue.
There are some things that you have to accept about Cutthroat Island and the first is that anytime a film is actually titled Cutthroat Island, chances are it isn't going to be …

Movie God

Rating of

Could this movie have stunk worse?

mdtinney - wrote on 03/30/2010

That's scary to consider. The only redeeming thing in this entire movie was one stunt. Geena Davis' character Morgan was fighting on top of a carriage, which went underneath an overhanging roof. Davis jumped on top of the roof, ran up it, jumped thru a window, ran thru a room, jumped out a window, and did a forward somersault off the edge of the roof down into the seat of the carriage sitting in an upright position next to Matthew I Haven't Given A Good Performance In Years Modine. The forward somersault is amazing because either Davis did it herself or has a twin sister who is a stunt person. The rest of the movie is absolute garbage, with the standard modern day dialogue in the past, and the extremely tired action hero banter and catchphrases, none of which is funny. Did pirates spend …

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