Game Change Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4977

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 43

Theatrical Release Date: 03/10/2012

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 01/08/2013

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Historical

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jay Roach

Actors: Julianne Moore, Woody Harrelson, Ed Harris, Peter MacNicol, Jamey Sheridan, Ron Livingston

Plot: Follows the 2008 presidential campaign of John McCain and his choice of Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, her meteoric rise in the media spotlight and their eventual defeat in the general election. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Indyfreak - wrote on 09/13/2019

Julianne Moore is frighteningly convincing as failed vp candidate Sarah Palin in this thoughtful if glacially paced teledrama. Woody Harrelson and Ed Harris are also good as strategist Steven Schmidt and the late John McCain.

Rating of

Andrew - wrote on 05/14/2012

Julianne Moore is Sarah Palin. What a great performance!

Rating of

patjohnson76 - wrote on 03/14/2012

A small portion of the bestseller is given the movie treatment with a strong cast that focuses on the McCain-Palin campaign of 2008, specifically with the selection of Palin and the final few weeks of the presidential campaign. Julianne Moore gives a strong performance as Palin, embodying her looks, voice, and mannerisms so strong it's almost difficult to tell the difference between the two. Ed Harris is pretty good as John McCain and Woody Harrelson is good as well as campaign advisor Steve Schmidt. If you're a Sarah Palin fan you'll probably not find much interest in this, but it's a pretty entertaining watch...and informative, if it's as true as Schmidt claims it is.

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Some directing problems...

Rod - wrote on 06/01/2013

McCain wins nomination for presidency on 2008 elections but finds himself behind Barrack Obama. His campaign team pulls out one female Alaskan governor to be McCain's running-mate with all these hopes that she will be a great help to win presidential seat.


First thing, I think the acting, which everyone thought to be THAT GOOD, is just plain for me. Moore, Harris and everyone seemed not to gave enough effort for this one. However, this is "plain and passable" acting. On the technical sides, I felt like the film did not really arrived on something that is new, I mean, I expected some raising of bars with this. Some shots and angles just didn't work. Lastly, in the beginning of the film, I'm confused whether the film centered on Palin or McCain and his team? I couldn't feel some …

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