Yakuza Apocalypse ( Gokudou daisensou ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 32624

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 2

Theatrical Release Date: 10/09/2015

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/01/2015

Language: Japanese

Genre: Action, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Takashi Miike

Actors: Yayan Ruhian, Rirî Furankî, Mio Yûki, Hayato Ichihara, Pierre Taki, Yoshiyuki Morishita

Plot: Kamiura rules the ruthless Yakuza underground - the ultimate boss is rumored to be invincible but the truth is, he's a vampire. His most loyal underling, Kageyama, follows with passion but is treated like dirt by the rest of the gang But Kamiura is not invincible and when he refuses to rejoin the international syndicate he left years before, he is torn limb from limb - but in his dying breath he passes on his vampiric powers to Kageyama - and his thirst for vengeance will lead him all the way to the top of the syndicate and the seemingly unstoppable Kaeru-kun. -- Chris Kavan

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"Yakuza Apocalypse" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 10/10/2017

Upon his murder, the trusted lieutenant of a well-liked local crime boss discovers that he was a vampire and sets about avenging his death with the powers he bestowed upon him from beyond the grave.

The Japanese master of the macabre turns his hand to schlock-horror in this Manga-esque genre hybrid that follows in the tradition of his earlier western/crime mash-up Sukiyaki Western Django. Yakuza Apocalypse is easily one of the most off the charts, batshit-crazy films I have ever seen! The film begins as you would expect, with the usual high octane bloody action common to most of Miike's films and there are some laugh out loud moments as the cocky mobsters are out-gangstered by the motley collection of ordinary people who are transformed into Yakuza vampires. As the film goes on and it …

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