The Skeleton Key Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Horror I've Watched

List created by Ledi

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shining 4/4
2. Halloween 3/4
3. The Exorcist 2.5/4
4. Psycho 3.5/4
5. 28 Days Later 3/4

Top Horror List

List created by Maitreyi

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Conjuring N/A
2. Insidious N/A
3. The Ward N/A
4. Stir of Echoes N/A
5. The Amityville Horror N/A

Top Movie List

List created by Micheal

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Halloween 4/4
2. Forrest Gump 4/4
3. Scarface 4/4
4. A Few Good Men 4/4
5. Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4/4

Top Movie List

List created by Karen

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. After the Sunset N/A
2. Clue 4/4
3. Eat Pray Love N/A
4. Baby Boom N/A
5. The Family Stone N/A

Top Horror List

List created by zombie jester

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shining N/A
2. Halloween N/A
3. The Exorcist N/A
4. The Silence of the Lambs N/A
5. Psycho N/A

Movies I've Seen

List created by eddie

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Patton 2/4
2. Fiddler on the Roof 1.5/4
3. The Exorcist 2/4
4. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2/4
5. Jaws 1/4

Top Movie List

List created by kasi ireland

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Stay Alive 4/4
2. The Shawshank Redemption 3.5/4
3. Fight Club 3/4
4. Forrest Gump 3.5/4
5. Saving Private Ryan 3.5/4

Movies I've Seen

List created by kdaleske13

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 3/4
2. Fight Club 2.5/4
3. The Godfather 4/4
4. The Dark Knight 2/4
5. Forrest Gump 3/4
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