The Hunting Party Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9132

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 22

Theatrical Release Date: 09/21/2007

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Richard Shepard

Actors: Goran Kostic, James Brolin, Diane Kruger, Terrence Howard, Richard Gere, Mark Ivanir

Plot: A journalist re-encounters an old friend (Richard Gere) who worked with him during the Bosnian War. With a young rookie (Jesse Eisenberg) in tow, they team up again, this time to capture the Fox, a notorious Serbian war criminal. -- Filmhog

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Filmhog - wrote on 11/08/2009

This film fully met my expectations. It's just the kind of adventure film I like: sharp, smart, exciting, lots of fun, but with a serious edge that somehow avoids becoming preachy. If you liked "Tears of the Sun" or "The Matador" (the latter of which was also directed by Richard Shepard), you'll probably like this, too.

Rating of

goodfellamike - wrote on 12/18/2008

Richard Gere and Terrence Howard are always worth watching, and some of their exploits are captured with workmanlike ease, but the hunt and capture of the Serbian mastermind never rings true, nor does the film attack the bigger targets in which it accuses. Final Grade: C+

Full Movie Reviews

Franz Patrick
Franz Patrick
Movie God

Rating of

Has a Sharpness to It

Franz Patrick - wrote on 01/04/2009

The beginning was so all over the place that I was almost certain I would give this film a two stars at best when it ended. I was proven wrong in the second half when everything started coming together. The jokes are more witty, the characters are more interesting because they’ve begun to change, and the implications regarding politics are more powerful. Richard Gere, Terrence Howard, and Jesse Eisenberg are amusing as three journalists who attempt to capture one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. I couldn’t stop smiling to myself when they eventually resulted to posing as CIA agents because they are so desperate to reach their goal. Richard Shepard, the director, did a good job of not making the story heavy-handed. I’m a big fan of his film called “The Matador” which …

Movie God

Rating of

The worst thing about the movie is the title!

Allison - wrote on 09/09/2007

but the original title was Spring Break in Bosnia, which might be even worse. Maybe I would have called the movie, "Becoming the Hunted".

It seems Richard Gere is reducing himself to these kinds of roles where he plays this crazy older guy. It really wasn't that bad, even a little better that Gere's The Hoax made with Lasse Hallstrom. Terrence Howard was good and I felt that the director had a desire to bring the audience something unique and different than most of the trash out there.

The suspense was there.

The opening credits were a little hard to read. Unless you see this on an ipod, they will be readable.

Pointing out what was real and what was not real at the end was nice, but it made you wonder why they made those changes.

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