Dragon Wars Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 33530

Average Rating: 1.7/4

# of Ratings: 29

Theatrical Release Date: 09/14/2007

Language: English

Genre: Action, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Hyung-rae Shim

Actors: Robert Forster, Jason Behr, Amanda Brooks, Aimee Garcia, Chris Mulkey, John Ales

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Joshua - wrote on 08/01/2012

This movie it pretty under rated, it has some pretty awesome scenes. Its definantly worth watching and you can find it in the .50c pile of most walmart stores. It has some cool specdial effects in the end.

Rating of

Josh C - wrote on 01/23/2008

I am actually watching this movie right now, I am 40 minutes in and am so bored I am choosing to write the review before the movie is over. The story is horrible, dialog is weak and special effects are sci-fi channel quality. Stay away!

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