Dracula ( Horror of Dracula ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4013

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 47

Theatrical Release Date: 05/08/1958

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Terence Fisher

Actors: Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling, Carol Marsh

Plot: After Dr. Van Helsing's partner, Jonathan Harker, fails to kill Dracula at his castle. Dracula seeks revenge on Jonathan's fiancé Lucy and her family.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 10/25/2021

Bela Lugosi might of helmed the definitive adaptation of "Dracula," but it's Christopher Lee who played the best Count in the absolutely chilling "Horror of Dracula" from Hammer.

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Joy of Dracula (viewing)

kcvidkid - wrote on 10/31/2008

Not the most detailed version of the original novel, but certainly one of the most lavish. The classic Hammer production values are gorgeous and fit the tale well.

I'd forgotten a couple of things about Hammer. First, attention to detail with minor characters, many of whom are present to provide comic relief. Second, long scenes that set the mood, but nearly stop the story dead in it's tracks. (For example, Van Helsing performing a transfusion between Arthur and Mina Holmwood; yawn.) Third, use of close-ups that seem dated, yet are quite effective.

"Horror of Dracula" plays like a Cliffs Notes version of Bram Stoker, with a few tweaks here and there to consolidate it even further. But it hits all the high notes and offers an excited finale. Afterwards, I felt like I had been …

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