All the Boys Love Mandy Lane Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11045

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 34

Theatrical Release Date: 09/06/2013

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/03/2013

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Mystery

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jonathan Levine

Actors: Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Whitney Able, Michael Welch, Melissa Price, Aaron Himelstein

Plot: Mandy Lane is the good girl who had grown up, exciting all the boys over summer. Following a death at a pool party, Mandy befriends a new group and is invited to an isolated ranch to party. It isn't long before the group is picked off one by one by a hooded killer.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/04/2014

This one was on the backburner for a long time before it finally got a release. My main issue is the story is way too predictable and the acting pretty atrocious (Anson Mount being the exception). It's a completely vanilla "horror" with a bunch of tropes piled on - they should have left well enough alone.

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Does things differently.

FZero - wrote on 06/22/2008

There really was no marketing potential for All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, which explains why it was on the shelf for so long after kicking around a few festival circuits and finally landing on region 2 DVD. It's better, smarter and tries to do more with the characters than most movies in the genre that hit the big screen. Even though I wouldn't call it a horror movie, and hence the marketing problem. The setup isn't very promising, a group of teens go a ranch in the middle of nowhere, but that's where the conventional similarities stop and instead of twenty minutes of characterization and one hour of running away from the killer the equation is flipped. That's not to say were looking at well defined three dimensional characters but more so than usual. A fine touch to the proceedings …

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