Armour of God, The ( Long xiong hu di ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6133

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 9

Theatrical Release Date: 01/21/1987

Language: Cantonese

Genre: Action, Comedy

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Jackie Chan

Actors: Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Rosamund Kwan, Lola Forner, Bozidar Smiljanic, Ken Boyle

Plot: Jackie Chan portrays a professional fortune hunter who's out to get rich by recovering exotic artifacts. To persuade Jackie to locate the items missing from the Armour of the Gods (which is thought to possess supernatural power) a cult of malevolent monks abducts Jackie's ex-girlfriend Lorelei and holds her captive.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 08/07/2019

Wacky but action packed comedy adventure starring Jackie Chan as a treasure hunter searching for a mystical artifact to stop a sinister cult. The action scenes are incredible and Jackie Chan's athleticism for the stunt-work is amazing. Alan Tam is an annoying sidekick though;despite Rosamund Kwan receiving 3rd billing she's not that interesting. Lola Forner who plays the 'woman of mystery' bit is cooler and prettier.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 04/09/2012

Another fun action packed ride, from Jackie Chan. It has his signature stuntwork and humor all over it.

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