Blue Vinyl Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 14584

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 03/09/2002

Language: English

Genre: Documentary

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Daniel B. Gold, Judith Helfand

Actors: William Baggett, Charlie Cray, George Lucier, Joe Thornton, Diane Prince, Rick Hind

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Rating of

Blue Vinyl

Amyaronson - wrote on 07/18/2011

This is a documentary about the hazards of chemicals found in vinyl and the carcinogens released in vinyl production. It's a good look at how prevalent vinyl is in our everyday lives, and how little we choose to give a good hard look at the potential hazards of the things we use. The story is told by the director, Judith Helfand, whose parents have recently replaced their rotting wood house with vinyl. We follow Judith's exploration in the vinyl-making process. Throughout the film, she tries to persuade her endearing parents to replace their vinyl with something more health and environmentally-friendly.

It's not THE most interesting documentary I've ever seen, but considering the topic is VINYL, Helfand does a pretty darned good job at being persuasive and informative, while still …

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