Cocksucker Blues Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11472

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/1972

Language: English

Genre: Documentary

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Robert Frank

Actors: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Marshall Chess, Truman Capote, Ahmet Ertegun, Bianca Jagger

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Does not suck

Bribaba - wrote on 05/05/2011

The Rolling Stones documentary based on their 1972 tour of the US has a background story almost as controversial as the film itself. Shot by former Time/Life photographer in grainy but very sharp b&w, this is a verite and definitive account of a rock band on tour. A bit too 'verite', in fact, as the film depicts the lads powdering their noses on a local flight, among other excesses It was such scenes which prompted Mick Jagger, mindful of the effect the film might have on their visas, to apply for and get, an injunction preventing the film from being shown unless in the presence of its maker.

I saw the film at the Castro Cinema in San Francisco where Frank fetched up one day. An announcement was made on the local FM radio station that there would be a screening, and within an an hour …

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