A Countess from Hong Kong Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 23486

Average Rating: 2/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 03/15/1967

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Romance

MPAA Rating: G

Director: Charles Chaplin

Actors: Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Sydney Chaplin, Tippi Hedren, Patrick Cargill, Michael Medwin

Plot: An Ambassador Ogden (Marlon Brando) encounters a countess named Natasha (Sophia Loren). Ogden's butler Hudson (Patrick Cargill) will be able to be part of the solution to resolve the problem of the countess. Ogden has an unhappy marriage with Martha (wife (Tippi Hedren).

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 06/03/2020

Some parts are funny. But Marlon Brando isn’t suited for slapstick comedy like this. Sophia Loren fares slightly better and she’s as gorgeous as ever.

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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A Countess from Hong Kong review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 07/15/2013

A film which involves an Ambassador named Ogden (Marlon Brando), countess (Sophia Loren) and butler Hudson (Patrick Cargill). Ogden has an unhappy marriage with Martha (wife (Tippi Hedren). Has some repetitive scenes but the lush soundtrack makes-up for it. It's humor still hint of The Tramp with Hudson but the not so interesting lead just makes this an average romantic comedy. The simple plot just couldn't carry the film despite its name stars. Marlon Brando shows his girth and talent as always. Jack NIcholson even thought it was one of Brando's best. It has an aura of disbelief and makes the viewers wonder how it really ends since the conclusion is somewhat rushed. A Countess from Hong Kong is Chaplin's last film and was bashed by critics. In this reviewer's opinion, it wasn't …

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