Crazy Love Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 21192

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 11

Theatrical Release Date: 06/01/2007

Language: English

Genre: Documentary

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Dan Klores, Fisher Stevens

Actors: Jimmy Breslin, Burt Pugach, Linda Pugach

Plot: A man who is so obsessed over a women blinds her and continues to pursue her. They finally do marry and struggle at times, but ultimately they seem happy. Documentary.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

bigbro - wrote on 09/09/2008

You're crazy alex. I thought this was a well done documentary. I liked the fact that it didn't use some lame-ass narrator--it was all interviewees and headlines telling the story. It was quite long but I guess I was drawn into the incredible nature of the story. You're right, if this was just a movie (it would probably be a woody allen movie), it wouldn't be all that dramatic. But this is a true story! All the crazy people involved are real live people! Plus it wasn't about just one event; their psycho relationship evolved over 50 years at least, with one period surpassing the previous with its level of craziness.

Rating of

Alex - wrote on 08/13/2008

I did not really enjoy this movie. It was worse than a made for TV documentary. THS is a much better production. It was much too long and I was quite bored by the end. Plus, their story is not really all that dramatical.

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