Dracula Has Risen from the Grave Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11700

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 12

Theatrical Release Date: 02/16/1969

Language: English

Genre: Romance, Horror

MPAA Rating: G

Director: Freddie Francis

Actors: Christopher Lee, Rupert Davies, Veronica Carlson, Barbara Ewing, Barry Andrews, Ewan Hooper

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Like a phoenix from the ashes of a bad sequel

kcvidkid - wrote on 11/05/2008

Compared to "Dracula, Prince of Darkness", Hammer's second Christopher Lee Dracula sequel is better many times over. In fact, there is a lot that I like about it, stopping short of the near-perfection of "Horror of Dracula" and "Brides of Dracula".

Director Freddie Francis makes best of the "muddy" style that took over in the 60's, following the crisp, clear beauty of massive interior sets during the 50's. Some scenese are even staged and filmed quite creatively. My only gripe is the he uses a reddish tint for the border of scenes in which Dracula actually appears; I kept thinking I was watching a bad transfer.

I loved the story this time around with its religious themes. I'm not sure it was the perfect execution, but I found it quite clever and ironic that it is a priest who …

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