Kidulthood Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6041

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 15

Theatrical Release Date: 03/03/2006

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Menhaj Huda

Actors: Aml Ameen, Red Madrell, Noel Clarke, Adam Deacon, Jaime Winstone, Femi Oyeniran

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 10/31/2014

Kidulthood is a movie that isn't going to be everybody's type of film. The movie does focus on teenager's becoming adults and what the movie does so well is showing what's really happening with teenager's in Britain. Some teenager's do join gangs and do horrible things, it's the ugly fact of life. The movie has a solid cast and the acting is pretty damn good. The directing is done well too. My only nick picks with the movie is it's ending and it's character's. But overall Kidulhood to me is a solid drama and this movie isn't for everyone as I said before.

Rating of

Tia Maria - wrote on 09/13/2008

This movie is so messed up its not funny. I have no idea why I watched it, coz it's so not my type of movie. Teenagers gangs killing each other, taking drugs, sleeping around. It just gives teenagers a bad name, especially black people, when they're not like that in reality. Not worth watching whatsoever.

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