The Naked Jungle Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9444

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 13

Theatrical Release Date: 03/03/1954

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Byron Haskin

Actors: Eleanor Parker, Charlton Heston, Abraham Sofaer, William Conrad, Romo Vincent, Douglas Fowley

Plot: A stalwart young man has built up levees and now lays claims to thousands of acres in South America where his chocolate plantation flourishes. Yet for all his success, he has had little time for women. When he sends away for a New Orleans bride - the firebrand arrives, but as she is a widower, he ultimately rejects her. Yet as she is about to be sent away, he learns of a legion of Army Ants will march right though his plantation - threatening all he has built up - and she joins the fight and maybe will win his heart yet. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

goodfellamike - wrote on 09/05/2008

A trifle soap opera set on a plantation about to be overrun by hordes of killer ants; Heston and especially Parker are out of place and only a few unintentional laughs keep it from becoming a complete bore. Final Grade: C-

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