The Scars of Dracula Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 11744

Average Rating: 2.4/4

# of Ratings: 17

Theatrical Release Date: 12/23/1970

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Roy Ward Baker

Actors: Christopher Lee, Dennis Waterman, Jenny Hanley, Christopher Matthews, Patrick Troughton, Michael Gwynn

Plot: A young playboy stumbles upon Dracula's castle and goes missing. Now his brother and girlfriend are investigating the disappearance which could lead them both to the same fate.

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/18/2014

The story is about a young man and his girlfriend find themselves in Dracula's castle where Dracula sinks his teeth into five victims and tortures a servant in a graphically violent scene. This movie was okay but how Dracula died in this film was so easy and laughable.

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The Fake Bat Army of Dracula

kcvidkid - wrote on 11/10/2008

Well, my predictions about the Hammer Dracula series after watching the last one ("Taste the Blood of Dracula") don't seem to be coming true as "Scars of Dracula" is quite a throwback to earlier days. In fact, if I didn't know better, I would swear it was made BEFORE "Taste".

I think the difference lies with the location for much of the action. Here, it is back to the castle with more interior sets (and close-ups of bloodshot eyes). And there is a complete regression of cinematography with Roy Ward Baker at the helm. I actually prefer the style; I think it better suits the subject.

Also, I complained last time about Drac's character not progressing. Here, it actually does, but I think in a distasteful manner. He begins to express sadism, especially in his treatment of …

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