Tatie Danielle Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 7121

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 9

Theatrical Release Date: 05/17/1991

Language: French

Genre: Comedy, Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Étienne Chatiliez

Actors: Tsilla Chelton, Catherine Jacob, Isabelle Nanty, Neige Dolsky, Eric Prat, Laurence Février

Plot: Auntie Danielle is supposedly ailing in health - but in reality is just a nasty, old lady. Constantly berating her housekeeper - that is until an accident with a ladder leaves her dead - she moves in with her nephew and his family - but does nothing to change her acidic personality. When the family goes on vacation a new, young housekeeper is brought in - one who knows all her tricks and slowly a begrudging respect is formed. -- Chris Kavan

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Rating of

Allison - wrote on 11/04/2009

I'm glad to have seen this film on VHS from my public library. Basically, it's about an old codgerly lady that makes trouble for everyone in her path. With a distinct appearance from a younger Isabelle Nanty, it's an interesting watch. However, I feel the film failed at times to be completely entertaining or realistic. Still, it's good for a few laughs.

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