XXY Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 4488

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 12

Theatrical Release Date: 06/14/2007

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 10/14/2008

Language: Spanish

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Lucía Puenzo

Actors: Ricardo Darín, Valeria Bertuccelli, Germán Palacios, Carolina Pelleritti, Martín Piroyansky, Inés Efron

Plot: Alex is a rebellious 15-year-old who has the added pressure of being born with both male and female reproductive features. While the parents struggle to understand and cope with the issue, a visiting surgeon, and his family, may finally offer Alex the ability to finally choose which life to live. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

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Ivana - wrote on 06/07/2013

I kind of story very strange to find, with a sharp and refined work showing furious, desires and how it could make different repercussion to every character. Deeply and hard drama and completly interesting...

Full Movie Reviews

Franz Patrick
Franz Patrick
Movie God

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Franz Patrick - wrote on 01/26/2009

I’ve heard of Klinefelter’s Syndrome in several Biology courses but I’ve never seen a film that focuses on the condition. Inés Efron does a great job as Alex who has not yet made a decision whether to continue as a female or get an operation to become a male, but has recently decided to stop taking pills which contain hormones that aim to retain her femininity. Her parents invite a doctor and his family; things get complicated when Alex meets Alvaro (Martín Piroyansky). Since this is the first film I saw about XXY Syndrome, I was surprised by its mature sensitivity. During several points in the film, just when I thought it was going to take the Lifetime route, it completely turns to a different, more daring direction. I don’t know if I felt pity or sympathy for Alex (maybe …


Rating of

In the search of myself.

kustaa - wrote on 11/15/2007

(SPOILERS): Luis Puenzo directed La historia oficial & Old gringo. So, he kind of made to Holywood to pay attention (a long ago) to argentinian cinema, but also made some crappy stuff. His daughter directed this flick, wich is the first of her. The script is adapted from a book of a guy that's a bit nuts, always tells weird stories. So is this one. Is the story of a person that was born with both male and femenine genitals, and the concernings that this brings to her/him and the parents. The starting titles are very promising, and so is the music and the initial mood of the movie. But, when you see what's the patht that she takes for the storytelling, you might, ok I started to wonder how this was going to end. And... I was a bit disappointed. The ultimate point of the movie, is wether …

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