The Happy Years Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 18900

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 6

Theatrical Release Date: 07/07/1950

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: William A. Wellman

Actors: Dean Stockwell, Darryl Hickman, Scotty Beckett, Leon Ames, Margalo Gillmore, Leo G. Carroll

Plot: Directed by William A. Wellman (A Star is Born (1937)), and based on Owen Johnson's "Lawrenceville School" stories, this "coming of age" comedy drama stars 14 year old Dean Stockwell (Married to the Mob (1988)) as an incorrigible young lad who eventually learns to fit in at a prep school, after having been thrown out of at least two others. A rivalry with a "tough" older boy, a friendship with a nerdy underage one, and gentle guidance provided by an Instructor who becomes his dormitory "house master" all lead to his maturation. Though not exceptional, this pre-"turn of the century" period piece does provide adequate entertainment and positive messages, after its slow start.

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