Kite Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16557

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 18

Theatrical Release Date: 01/01/1998

Language: Japanese

Genre: Anime, Thriller

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Yasuomi Umetsu

Actors: Charlie Watson, Shane Callahan, Chuck Denson Jr., Dave Underwood, Scott Bailey, Bob Edwards

Plot: Sawa is a young woman, an orphan and outcast, is also an assassin hired out her controllers Akai and Kanie, that she carries out with brutal efficiency. Yet the nature of her relationship to the two men is as abusive and repellant as the hits she is assigned, but a chance meeting with another orphan on a multi-hit may give her the strength she needs to finally break away. -- Chris Kavan

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