Scream, Blacula, Scream Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9546

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 06/27/1973

Language: English

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Bob Kelljan

Actors: William Marshall, Don Mitchell, Pam Grier, Michael Conrad, Richard Lawson, Lynne Moody

Plot: Blacula is reincarnated by the son of a voodoo priestess. The two then invade a voodoo cult, making them vampires, and battle the LA police department.

Full Movie Reviews

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

Surpisingly good, despite being tame for the genre

The M.O.W. - wrote on 09/07/2008

Centuries ago, the African prince "Mamuwalde" (William Marshall) was bitten by the king of the vampires "Dracula" (Charles Macaulay, who is seen in flashback footage from the first movie). Now, thanks to a voodoo spell, the African vampire returns to 1970's Los Angeles to claim more victims and slaves who are doomed to serve him for eternity.

"Blacula," a bigoted name given to him by "Dracula" in the first movie in this short series of blaxploitation movies, comes across a Voodoo princess (Pam Grier), whom he believes can free him from his curse by performing a Voodoo ceremony.

However, the Voodoo princess, who is named "Lisa," is dating an African art dealer and ex-cop (Don Mitchell) who quickly realizes that the mysterious man with a very memorable voice is, in fact, a member …

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