Wuthering Heights Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 12713

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 09/14/2003

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Musical

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Suri Krishnamma

Actors: Erika Christensen, Mike Vogel, Christopher Masterson, Katherine Heigl, John Doe, Johnny Whitworth

Plot: MTV updates the classic tale of two lovers engaging in a thwarted romance by setting it in a contemporary high school. -- Chris Kavan

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Tia Maria - wrote on 09/06/2008

Omg I LOVED this film. It is based on the book by Emily Brontë, but is a very modern version. I cried most of the way through it (LOL very soppy), but it was an awesome movie. It lets you into the characters life, allowing you to feel empathy. I definitely recommend it, unless you're a guy, of course.

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