All the King's Men Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 18828

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 31

Theatrical Release Date: 09/22/2006

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Steven Zaillian

Actors: Sean Penn, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Anthony Hopkins, Mark Ruffalo, Patricia Clarkson

Plot: A corrupt politician pays his friends well to maintain his popularity and tries to win over the country's vote. Oscar winner for Best Picture.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 11/01/2022

This movie cannot decide if it's a serious drama or silly melodrama. As soon as I saw Sean Penn's haircut and his voice that he uses, I knew it was gonna be a mess.

Rating of

The Movie Man - wrote on 05/19/2009

All The King's Men is a gigantic waste of time and talent from the word go. Steven Zaillian direction is good but his screenplay is terrible, it gives no insight or back story to anyone on screen. This might be the best cast to be in a bad movie, in the history of cinema. The entire ensemble is either Miscast or completely Wasted. It also gives new meaning to the word Slow. The only way this film is worth watching all the way through, is to see if it gets any better later on. It doesn't. What a shame.

Rating of

goodfellamike - wrote on 10/30/2008

Needless remale with an exceptional cast that has little to do; way too much shouting to make much of an impact and demagogue Sean Penn is shamelessly all fire and brimstone. Stick with the Academy Award-winning original instead. Final Grade: C

Full Movie Reviews

The M.O.W.
The M.O.W.

Rating of

Good performances, but drags

The M.O.W. - wrote on 08/02/2008

Based on a 1946 novel by Robert Penn Warren, the story centers on "Willie Stark" (Sean Penn), a man whose strong ability to make speeches helps win him the Louisiana Governor's race.

We see the story through the eyes of newspaper reporter "Jack Burden", who leaves his job to work for "Stark". Through him, we see the changes in "Stark", who lets power to get to his head. "Burden" in fact turns into a detective as he looks into the dealings of a judge.

There are some strong performances in this film. Penn is really good, especially where he is delivering speeches. Not every performance is perfect however. There were times that I thought scenes lagged because of the performances.

In fact, the movie frequently lags. I found myself paying more attention to message boards on the …

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