Double Dynamite Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16603

Average Rating: 2.5/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 12/25/1951

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Irving Cummings

Actors: Jane Russell, Groucho Marx, Frank Sinatra, Don McGuire, Howard Freeman, Nestor Paiva

Plot: A bank teller accused of embezzlement is helped by a waiter to clear his name.

Full Movie Reviews

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Rating of

Double Dynamite

dukeakasmudge - wrote on 06/23/2016

Groucho Marx & Frank Sinatra together in a movie? Why have I not heard of Double Dynamite before?! When I saw this movie come on TV today, I had to see it & it did not disappoint.From start to finish, I enjoyed every moment of it.Jane Russell, Groucho Marx & Frank Sinatra had chemistry & you could feel it.This is the 1st movie I've ever seen The Marx Brothers not together & the only thing missing from this movie was Harpo & Chico.How perfect would it have been if The Marx Brothers & Frank Sinatra were in Double Dynamite together?! I think this movie would've been WAY more known than what it is.Double Dynamite is a seriously underrated movie & should be well known.It's a shame it's not.If you ever come across Double Dynamite then I'd tell you to give it a watch.It's certainly worth it

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