Grapes of Death ( raisins de la mort, Les ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 23085

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 6

Theatrical Release Date: 07/05/1978

Language: French

Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Jean Rollin

Actors: Marie-Georges Pascal, Félix Marten, Serge Marquand, Mirella Rancelot, Patrice Valota, Patricia Cartier

Plot: A girl pulls the emergency break and gets off the train, running for her life. Her friend has just been killed by an sickly man. Soon, she discovers that it all stems from a disease that makes people act violent and zombie-like. -- travincal

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

travincal - wrote on 07/20/2012

Dissapointing french horror movie! The plot and the gore effects are not for an"A" horror film. You can watch it, but my advise is to use fast forward like a boss.

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