Don't Look Now - We're Being Shot At! ( Grande vadrouille, La ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6964

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 02/16/1969

Language: French

Genre: Comedy, War

MPAA Rating: G

Director: Gérard Oury

Actors: Bourvil, Louis de Funès, Claudio Brook, Andréa Parisy, Colette Brosset, Mike Marshall

Plot: Summer 1941. Over German Nazi occupied France, a Royal Air Force AVRO Lancaster gets lost after a mission and is shot down over Paris by German flak. The crew, Reginald, Peter Cunningham and Alan MacIntosh, parachute out right over the city. They are hidden by a house painter, Augustin Bouvet, and the grumbling conductor of the Opéra National de Paris, Stanislas Lefort. Involuntarily, Lefort and Bouvet get themselves involved in the manhunt against the aviators led by Wehrmacht Major Aschbach. They have to help the flyboys to go back to England with the help of Resistance fighters and sympathizers.

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Rating of

hst - wrote on 02/21/2009

Great classic french comedy. A must see, in my opinion.

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