Arang Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 9762

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 6

Theatrical Release Date: 06/30/2006

Language: Korean

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Sang-hoon Ahn

Actors: So-yeong Choo, Won-jung Jeong, Ok-bin Kim, Dong-Wook Lee, Jong-su Lee, Yun-ah Song

Plot: So-Young has just returned from suspension to her work as a detective in the violent crimes unit, and the first thing that happens is she gets teamed up with a rookie out of the forensic department. Their first case together is a series of violent, unexplainable deaths. As the investigation develops, a mysterious email about an old salt house seem to be the only thing connecting the deaths together.

-- Tjommi

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Tjommi - wrote on 08/15/2012

First let me start with the bad, and there are a couple of things that I am pretty sure that other reviewers would deduct at least a full star for. If you have watched some asian horror movies you have seen alot of the filming technique, the scares and special effects before. The timing in the movie follows a well tested formula as well, so you can pretty much predict where the scares are comming.

Now to the good part. This movie isn't that easy to categorize really, because it crosses various genres. It got some horror elements in it for sure, but it also a thriller/crime movie. The acting in this movie is rock solid. The director gives time to character developes, and you like the people in the movie. This is a point made in another review, but I want to include it here, because I …

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