Angry Harvest ( Bittere Ernte ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28645

Average Rating: 2.1/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 03/01/1986

Language: German

Genre: Drama, Romance

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Agnieszka Holland

Actors: Armin Mueller-Stahl, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Wojciech Pszoniak, Gerd Baltus, Anita Höfer, Hans Beerhenke

Plot: A Jewish family leaps from a train in the winter of 42-43 - a local peasant comes across Rosa and hides her in his cellar. The middle-aged Catholic is also completely infatuated by her - to the point that he ignores signs that her husband is still alive. She promises to be with him if he helps a local Jew in hiding - and she comes through on her promise. But the romance is doomed from the start. -- Chris Kavan

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