The Last Mile Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 27042

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 02/18/1959

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Howard W. Koch

Actors: Mickey Rooney, Don 'Red' Barry, Michael Constantine, Clifford David, Frank Overton, George Marcy

Plot: On the night of an execution, a breakout is attempted on Death Row.

Quick Movie Reviews

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 01/12/2015

Here's what I think I was suppose to learn from The Last Mile...... 1) People on Death Roware human beings just like the rest of us 2) OK, Now I see why these guys are on Death Row 3) What could happen if you try to escape from prison & last but not least, 4) You can't fight the system & win.This is a different type of role from Mickey Rooney then what I'm use to.If there are more types of these roles from him then I'd like to see them.It was weird to see him as the hardened convict at 1st but he was really good.Eventually him & the movie grew on me.I really enoyed The Last Mile & I think if you enjoy old prison movies then you'll enjoy it as well.And what a way to end the movie!!!

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