City of Glass ( Boli zhi cheng ) Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 15723

Average Rating: 3.5/4

# of Ratings: 2

Theatrical Release Date: 10/28/1998

Language: Mandarin

Genre: Romance, Historical

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Alex Law

Actors: Qi Shu, Daniel Wu, Leon Lai, Audrey Mak, Nicola Cheung, Eason Chan

Plot: City of Glass follows two romances: one in the past and one in the present. The present one is between Wooly Suzie (Nicola Cheung) and David (Daniel Wu), who first meet at the police station following the deaths of their parents in a car wreck. The kicker: the two were not married, and were carrying on an affair. As played by Leon Lai and Shu Qi, the two parents were star-crossed lovers in their youth who drifted as politics and distance drove a wedge in their burgeoning romance. Yet their love was apparently a stronger power because years later it drew them back together. Meanwhile, the present holds conflicts for Suzie and David. Unable to get along at first, they bond as both discover the little details they have in common.

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