The Party's Over Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 38329

Average Rating: 1.8/4

# of Ratings: 4

Theatrical Release Date: 03/23/1966

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Marc Behm

Actors: Oliver Reed, Clifford David, Ann Lynn, Katherine Woodville, Louise Sorel, Mike Pratt

Plot: An American arrives in London to meet his daughter but she's missing, possibly murdered. Suspicion falls on group of beatniks she mixing with.

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Rating of

The party was just begiining

Bribaba - wrote on 05/06/2011

The party may have been over for the beatniks who form the centrepiece of this strange but compelling film, but for the rest of London it was just beginning. Unusually for a British production of this vintage (1963) it doesn’t fit easily in any genre. An American girl who has been hanging around with the ‘beats’ goes missing amid lurid rumours of rape and even necrophilia. The atmosphere is one of existential angst laced and a fin de siecle fatalism, all conveyed by way of some studiously framed b&w photography. Aside from some clunky dialogue and plumy accent this could easily be French, perhaps because the story is by Marc Behm an American expat based in France who wrote Eye of the Beholder, later transposed by Claude Miller into the excellent thriller Mortelle Radonnee starring …

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