The Wrath of God Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 33256

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 07/14/1972

Language: English

Genre: Western

MPAA Rating: PG

Director: Ralph Nelson

Actors: Robert Mitchum, Frank Langella, Rita Hayworth, John Colicos, Victor Buono, Ken Hutchison

Quick Movie Reviews

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/28/2011

How can this even be considered a western???

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

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The Wrath of God works in strange ways

Indyfreak - wrote on 01/24/2020

In this offbeat western, Robert Mitchum plays Father Oliver Van Horne. Van Horne happens to be a hard drinking, machine gun toting, and roadster driving priest who winds up helping a revolution south of the border.
There’s also an Irish bootlegger, a mute Indian girl, and a fat Englishman along for the ride. Oh and Frank Langella plays the loquacious foppish villain whose mother is played by...Rita Hayworth?!?!?
The Wrath of God is something of an anachronism for a 1970s release. Almost as if it was a shelved script for Humphrey Bogart that was forgotten thirty years prior, but then dusted off again.
Is it a great movie? No but it’s fun to watch. There’s fights, car chases, and lots of humor. Mitchum is good in this as the unconventional priest.

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