Bucksville Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 5748

Average Rating: 2.9/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 05/22/2014

Language: English

Genre: Drama, Thriller

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Chel White

Actors: Thomas Stroppel, David Bodin, Ted Rooney, Tom Berenger, Allen Nause, Alexander MacKenzie

Plot: Produced entirely in the Pacific Northwest, BUCKSVILLE is a thinking person’s vigilante story that twists together the timely topics of ethics, capital punishment, and even gun control rights.

A young man named Presley Alan French (Thomas Stroppel) struggles to accept the reality of being bound for life to an eight-man secret militia group that was started by his father and uncle twenty years ago.

When the group’s agenda becomes increasingly extreme under the control of the wealthy Patron of Justice (Tom Berenger), Presley must decide for himself, what is truly right or wrong.

With an eerily beautiful tone, BUCKSVILLE is at its heart a film about family conflict and the corruption of ideals.

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