YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 30984

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 04/02/2011

Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: 12/11/2012

Language: English

Genre: Documentary, Adventure

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Ben Evans

Actors: Ben Evans, Michael Reynolds, Julie Dingman Evans, Joel Salatin, Cliff Etheredge, Larry Littlebird

Plot: Mark Dixon, Ben Evans, and Julie Dingman Evans ditch their lives (and pool their savings) in order to go on a year-long, 50-state tour to document the ways individuals, businesses, leaders and groups are going green in an effort to stave off ecological catastrophe and to answer the age-old question: are we doomed? -- Chris Kavan

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