The Citizen Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 13915

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 09/20/2012

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Sam Kadi

Actors: Khaled Nabawy, Agnes Bruckner, Rizwan Manji, William Atherton, Cary Elwes, Carl Harry Carlson

Plot: A Lebanese finally receives his Green Card. He immigrates to USA on September 10 2001 and he is called responsible by the authorities of what happened on September 11. Based on a true story.

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A contemporary drama about immigration

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 10/09/2017

Terrorists don't get lawyers."

"The Citizen" is the story of a Syrian immigrant Ibrahim Jarrah, born in Lebanon, who had to move in the Middle East a few times due to the Lebanese civil war and the invasion of Saddam Hussein in Kuwait. He was fortunate to win a "Green Card" in the U.S. Greencard lottery and thus find happiness in the U.S. and pursue the American dream. He arrives on 10 September 2010, one day before disaster strikes. Ibrahim claims he's not born for happiness. He's amazed about the fact that he has won a "Green Card". However,he doesn't realize what's hanging over his head.

It's not exactly a happy movie and you will be discouraged in Ibrahim's place. That a man sometimes experiences some setbacks in his life is perfectly normal. But in this film it's just an …

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