Gallowwalkers Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 42773

Average Rating: 1.4/4

# of Ratings: 7

Theatrical Release Date: 08/06/2013

Language: English

Genre: Action, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Andrew Goth

Actors: Wesley Snipes, Kevin Howarth , Riley Smith, Tanit Phoenix, Simona Brhlikova, Steven Elder

Plot: After his nun mother makes an unholy deal to guarantee his survival, Aman grows up to become a mysterious and invincible gunman. But the deal includes a curse: Everyone Aman kills will come back to life.

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

smeagol - wrote on 09/09/2013

i quite liked this movie. it was different and it looked really good. also it was nice to see wesley snipes looking so different in this. was a decent enough movie. not fantastic but alright. supernatural western style.

Rating of

Unknown - wrote on 09/08/2013

'Gallowwalkers' is a western with horror elements, whose lead is a former action star. Snipes really is the only good thing in this movie. He reminds us why he earned his status back in the 90's. The entire production feels like a cheap 90's action flick. The story is uninteresting and told in an incomprehensible manner. The 'who' and 'why' is as clear as mud. I don't even remember hearing a single character's name uttered. The action (what little is present) is barely serviceable for this type of low-budget production.

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