Factotum Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 6315

Average Rating: 2.6/4

# of Ratings: 21

Theatrical Release Date: 08/18/2006

Language: English

Genre: Drama

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Bent Hamer

Actors: Matt Dillon, Lili Taylor, Fisher Stevens, Didier Flamand, Fisher Stevens

Plot: A supposed writer lives his life in an alcoholic haze as he goes from job to job after he is fired, quits, and falls in love with some one just like himself.

Quick Movie Reviews

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goodfellamike - wrote on 10/30/2008

Leisure drama spends so much time dealing with the characters' failed occupations and sexual conquests that it forgets to focus on the writing aspect which is beleived to be the whole point of it all; Matt Dillon is perfectly cast. Final Grade: C+

Rating of

Alex - wrote on 04/15/2007

A movie that could have been something with a good cast. Dillon serves it up but only to be brought down by the repetitive nature of his character and his girlfriend. The ending was so blah that I would almost rather not seen the middle.

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"Factotum" by Yojimbo

Yojimbo - wrote on 01/22/2012

Deadbeat wannabe writer Henry Chinaski drifts from dead end job to dead end job while trying to hone his craft and find his next drink. Based on a hotch-potch of the works of cult literary figure Charles Bukowski, Factotum is a fair cinematic representation of his work; you get a few chuckles over his reckless abandon in the face of polite society and imagine how liberating it would be to be able to just not give a shit. But at the end of the day, most people who don't give a shit aren't charming, charismatic rebels; they're just assholes. For this reason, Factotum seemed to me to be just a collection of scenes of an asshole getting drunk and losing jobs, and that's it. I didn't warm to him, he didn't show me any insights into the modern world. He was just a self-involved, self-important …

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