Elway to Marino Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 13926

Average Rating: 2.8/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 04/23/2013

Language: English

Genre: Documentary, Sport

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Ken Rodgers

Actors: Tom Selleck, Dan Marino, John Elway, Marvin Demoff, Darrell Green, Jim Kelly

Plot: Follows the 1983 NFL football draft - and two very different quarterbacks who would have an indelible impact in the sport of football: John Elway and Dan Marion. It also holds the distinction of having the most quarterbacks picked in the first round (six) along with the drama that went on between Elway and the team who picked him first, the then Baltimore Colts. -- Chris Kavan

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/23/2015

Never before and never again - one could argue each NFL draft session creates its own story, but the 1983 draft may go down in history as one of the craziest - and maybe even most important - in the modern age of football. Even though i thought this focused a bit too much on Elway, it was still an interesting look into the process and even if you are just a casual football fan, the insight into what goes on before, during and after the draft is interesting. A good watch.

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