Deep Dark Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 18341

Average Rating: 2.7/4

# of Ratings: 3

Theatrical Release Date: 09/04/2015

Language: Dutch

Genre: Horror, Fantasy

MPAA Rating: NR

Director: Michael Medaglia

Actors: Sean McGrath, Denise Poirier, Anne Sorce, Tabor Helton, Monica Graves, Mary McDonald-Lewis

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

Crazy,surrealistic, bizarre and utterly strange

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 12/27/2015

I get lonely here all by myself. How about I help you make mobiles, and in return, all you have to do is spend time with me? That's it?
That's it. Partners?
Uh, yeah, yeah, partners. If you had a hand, I'd shake it.

There are movies that go beyond your understanding. You're left behind with a "what-the-hell-was-this" feeling. Films which are sinister, totally crazy and utterly surreal. Movies that'll make you say : "This can never be outperformed in terms of bizarreness". And then there's "Deep Dark". Too bizarre for words. Surreal and unreal at the same time. An ancient concept is used again though. It's another case study about an individual who pursues a specific goal and tries to achieve this at any cost. A kind of "3 wishes" principle with the additional nasty boomerang …

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