The Island Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 16487

Average Rating: 2.3/4

# of Ratings: 8

Theatrical Release Date: 06/13/1980

Language: English

Genre: Adventure, Horror

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Michael Ritchie

Actors: Michael Caine, David Warner, Angela Punch McGregor, Frank Middlemass, Don Henderson, Dudley Sutton

Plot: A group of modern-day pirates terrorize the Caribbean. A reporter, along with his son, goes there to uncover the story behind the men - they come across the group and the raiders decide to induct them into their ranks. -- Chris Kavan

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Great little 80's flick

Lee - wrote on 08/11/2012

Saw this the first time when i was a mere 12 years old. The few times since then i have seen this film it always seems to hook me in as it was a bit cheesy although in my era alot of films were but at least they were original. Caine portrays Blair Maynard a reporter who wants to rush down to Florida to report on several vessels that have gone missing around the Bermuda Triangle area. Only thing is his ex wife has sent his son to stay with little and no notice so he promises him a trip to Disneyworld and tags him along. Upon arriving they are told the exact location of the boats and their crew that went missing so they charter a plane and head out. They meet up with an older british gentleman who soon convinces Maynard to chart a boat and take his son fishing.

Unbeknowst the …

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