Jury Duty Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 28194

Average Rating: 1.9/4

# of Ratings: 21

Theatrical Release Date: 04/12/1995

Language: English

Genre: Comedy

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: John Fortenberry

Actors: Pauly Shore, Tia Carrere, Stanley Tucci, Brian Doyle-Murray, Abe Vigoda, Charles Napier

Plot: A jobless, listless man discovers sequestered life isn't half bad and in order to keep his posh new digs does everything in his power to stall and prolong a murder trial. -- Chris Kavan

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Typical Pauly Shore

TheWolf - wrote on 08/03/2007

Pauly Shore, what more can you say? Well I suppose I could say Tia Carrere, Stanley Tucci, Brian Doyle-Murray, and Abe Vigoda all of which make up the cast of the movie Jury Duty. I have to say that in the last few movies the Pauly Shore has been in, have been pretty awful, and sadly this really is no exception. He plays the same over the top character that he has always played, the problem is that it is same character, he never seems to change anything up. If you like his personality and the way he is on screen in every one of his movies then this will work for you.
Here, Shore plays a jobless boy who decides he can get himself a free hotel room by posing as a juror for a murder trial, as long as he detains the verdict then he will be able to stay in a posh hotel room at the cost of …

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