The Medallion Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 22828

Average Rating: 2/4

# of Ratings: 24

Theatrical Release Date: 08/22/2003

Language: English

Genre: Comedy, Action

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Director: Gordon Chan

Actors: Jackie Chan, Lee Evans, Claire Forlani, Julian Sands, John Rhys-Davies, Anthony Wong Chau-Sang

Plot: Eddie Yang (Jackie Chan) is a cop who is partnered up with Interpol agent Arthur Watson (Lee Evans) who go after international human-smuggling crimelord Snakehead (Julian Sands). Eddie catches up with long time ex-girlfriend Nicole James (Claire Forlani) who helps out with the gang to stop the snakeheads, which unfortunately ends up with Eddie dying but granted eternal power and life of a medallion that is split into two parts, which one is owned by Snakehead. Eddie Yang and his friends must help stop Snakehead, while Snakehead wants to gets his hands on both the child (who knows the powers of the medallion) and the medallion to possess eternal power! -- HorrorFanatic2031

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/25/2011

Silly action movie that has a stupid premise and poor execution. The only saving grace is Lee Evans' total commitment to his role as a bumbling agent, which results in a lot of the film's (few) funny moments.

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