muttpack74's Movie Rating History

Movie Title Theirs Your Rating Overall Add
My Neighbor Totoro ( Tonari no Totoro ) 4.0/4 3.2/4
Rain Man 3.5/4 3.1/4
Baby Mama 3.0/4 2.6/4
Step Brothers 2.0/4 2.7/4
Forgetting Sarah Marshall 3.0/4 2.8/4
The Horse Boy 3.0/4 2.9/4
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day 2.5/4 2.5/4
Monsters vs. Aliens 2.5/4 2.6/4
Fast & Furious (2009) 2.5/4 2.7/4
Fantastic Mr. Fox 3.0/4 3.0/4
Sherlock Holmes (2009) 3.0/4 2.9/4
Ponyo on the Cliff ( Gake no ue no Ponyo ) 3.0/4 3.1/4
Notting Hill 2.5/4 2.7/4
American Pie 0.5/4 2.8/4
Safety Not Guaranteed 3.0/4 2.9/4
The Amazing Spider-Man 2.5/4 2.8/4
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3.0/4 3.0/4
Silver Linings Playbook 3.0/4 3.1/4
The Dark Knight Rises 3.0/4 3.2/4
Europa Report 2.5/4 2.6/4
Quartet (2013) 3.0/4 2.8/4
Odd Thomas 3.0/4 2.7/4
This is the End 3.0/4 2.7/4
Warm Bodies 3.0/4 2.8/4
World War Z 2.5/4 2.8/4
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